Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Tiling Time

Now that the waterproofing is in place, it is time to tile. Unfortunately, we lost the long weekend so that leaves the tiling to be more of a solo job for Jake each day until I get home from the city. I am eager to help but by the time I get home, Jake is completely spent so I just make dinner and we regroup for the next day.

A few of my observations are:

1. Gravity is not your friend when tiling walls.
2. Nothing is quick nor easy
3. Tiling is messy

Here is a brief summary and photo montage of tiling a tub alcove. Jake I am sure will do a better analysis of the week's play by play when he gets a chance.

Monday January 4th:
Jake is up bright and early ready to start tiling. He lays out the plan and heads to the garage to cut some tiles but, lo and behold, the tile saw we rented has some weird saw blade on it and it is stuck. So, no tile cutting today.

Tuesday January 5th:
Jake gets the tile saw to the rental place and they bang on it and some how get the blade replaced. Jake gets it back and starts to tile. He makes nice progress getting the niche in place.

Wednesday January 6th:
More tiling. The back wall is pretty much done and we have turned the corner to the shower side. That means drilling a bunch of holes for the faucet. Looks very pretty.

Thursday January 7th:
Yet more tiles go up. Notice the fancy spacers, all our knives are now hanging in the wall including the really cool chicken shaped cheese spreaders. Hopefully we wont need to each a cheese ball until this tiling is done.

Friday January 8th:

We are almost done with the tub alcove, only the tub edges remain which will be wrapped up over the weekend.

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